Rapid User Research & Usability Testing

November 4, 2022

Finally get your team to see how easy it can be do to research so you can understand your users. In this workshop we'll practice user interviews and usability testing. You'll have a toolkit for doing research on your own.

Many teams talk about doing research, but not enough teams actually do research. One main reason for this is lack of buy in from stakeholders and executives. Another reason is because research is perceived as being expense and time consuming. In this workshop, we’ll walk through the entire research process and understand how to get buy in and how to conduct smart, effective user research.

The workshop will consist of a brief overview of why research matters so that you can have more informed discussions with team mates and colleagues who don’t buy into research. Then, we’ll take a deep dive into the research process as well as practice doing research on each other based on a mock project that you’ll learn about in the workshop.

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