Why Attend

You’ve sat through the keynotes, listened to the podcasts, and read the books. Now what? Where do you begin? You’re motivated and inspired, but what if your organization isn’t or what if you’re building a new team? How do you begin? Front UX & Product Management Workshop Series is specifically designed as an intimate, intensive, one-of-a-kind, hands-on training experience where you will experience and practice the techniques and methods that will accelerate the efficiency and accuracy and your organization’s product discovery and delivery. It also happens to be held in the foothills of the majestic mountains of Utah.

It’s time to demand more than a workshop, bolted onto a conference as a supplemental day of content. Come, join us at the Front, where you’ll work side-by-side with some of the industry’s best and brightest. Design a custom training program to jump-starting your career or take it to the next level.

Multi-track hands-on workshops
Design your custom training program, choosing from basic, intermediate, and advanced courses.

The greatest great outdoors
Don’t just get away from your desk, get out of the city. Stay through the weekend hiking our national parks and biking some single-track.

Three days of learning and practice
Our workshop series consists of multiple hands-on, intensive workshops where you’ll learn and practice methods and techniques crucial to building game-changing products.

Professional instructors
The best teachers are those that lead by example. Most Front instructors are employed with leading technology companies.

Gourmet meals
No boxed lunch lunches with cold-cut sandwiches or continental breakfasts. We treat you right with hot, gourmet meals.

Networking and fun
Historic Salt Lake City, hiking, food, and friends—you’ll leave after two days with a wealth of memories and new, professional connections.

Past Attendees

Over the past 8 years, product and design teams have gathered in Utah from over 4 countries and 23 states across the US for our workshop series. While focused specifically on UX, product management, research, and leadership, anyone involved in product discovery and delivery is encouraged to attend and will leave with a wealth of insights and skills. The workshops cover the range between basic and advanced topics, providing valuable training to both students and seasoned professionals.

Attendees by job title

Attendees by location

Including Canada, Mexico, and Germany!

Join us at the

Workshop Series

Reserve your seat now for the premier UX and Product Management training experience. Design your custom training program now. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned professional, the Front UX & Product Management Workshops Series will take you and your team to the next level in product design and management.

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